In the joint research project “FuLaWi”, we are investigating how foliage can be used as alternative feed source for sheep and goats. As part of our work package, we are examining how tree foliage can be preserved through ensiling and how a higher proportion of shoots, which can be expected after mechanical foliage harvest, affects overall feed quality. The focus of our investigation will be on foliage from willow and poplar species.
- Running time: 01.06.2023 - 31.05.2026
- Funding: BLE
Herbs like Plantago have been receiving increasing interest as an integral part of pastures recently. This is linked to characteristics like high drought resistance and their potential to increase biodiversity. When being used as forage for ruminants, they have further interesting features like the potential to decrease enteral methane emissions The project intends to investigate characteristics of herbs as ruminant forage.
- Running tme: 01.04.2023 bis 31.03.2026
- Funding: BMEL
The MiZie project investigates pasture-based feeding of organically raised dairy goats and the behavior of goat kids. It focuses on goat’s energy requirements and feed intake on pasture. Further studies on commercial farms evaluate the design of feeding troughs, pasture-based ration formulation, and the metabolic health status of dairy goats. Additionally, the project examines how mother-reared lambs acquire social competence and their feeding behavior.
- Running time:1.09.2023 bis 31.08.2026
- Funding: BMEL