Sustainability initiative at the campus: The Seed Library Göttingen
The Seed Library Göttingen is a private initiative, realised in February 2023 at the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen). The SUB Göttingen pursues a sustainability agenda and supports the Seed Library Göttingen. The Seed Library Göttingen is committed to the propagation of open-pollinated (non-hybrid) regional crops plants and the preservation of biodiversity in and around Göttingen. According to the motto: "Borrow - Sow - Harvest - Pass on", anyone with a balcony or garden can join in and borrow open-pollinated seeds from the Seed Library Göttingen free of charge and without registration. After successful cultivation, the seeds obtained are returned. Sponsorships are awarded for historical or particularly rare varieties. In addition, the participants are accompanied through the seed and cultivation season with newsletters and knowledge events. There are already several school cooperations, as the Seed Library Göttingen is networked with so-called ECO-schools. The Seed Library Göttingen is a cooperation project of the garden group of JANUN Göttingen e.V. since December 2023 and therefore non-profit.The Seed Library Göttingen is an ESD actor.
References of the Seed Library Göttingen to the SDGs:
2.5: Maintain the genetic diversity of seeds 12.8: Provide information and raise awareness 15.5: Protect biodiversity 17.17: Promote effective partnerships
Claudia Hake and Merle Schatz,
Contact - Green Office
Do you have questions or suggestions on the topic of sustainability in research? Would you like to find out more about sustainability in operations at Göttingen University? Do you have an idea concerning sustainability in your degree programme? Do you need information on international networking on sustainability? For these and general questions and suggestions, please contact us!Head of the Green Office
Marco Lange, Coordinator for SustainabilityPhone: 0551 39-21356
Tabea Kothe, Student of GeographyE-Mail:
Anna von Borcke, Student of Ethnology and Sociology
Hannah Kalden, Student of Philosophy