Ongoing Projects

ComBee_logo_final (206 x 128)
Interactions between landscape structure and combined agri-environmental measures on the diversity, population development and health status of wild and honey bees

KOOPERATIV_eng (206 x 81)
KOOPERATIV - promoting biodiversity at the landscape level

Logo_InterRest_final_Rechteck (206 x 144)InterRest
Interactive effects of local and landscape scale restoration of semi-natural grasslands and agricultural fields on species interactions and ecosystem functions in different social-ecological systems

Eco-Cacao_Logo_(206 x 83)Eco-Cacao
Ecological intensification and multifunctionality of genetically diverse cacao agroforestry in Peruvian landscapes (Eco-Peru)

LOGO (206 x 116)InterDrop
Drought stress mitigation through sustainable management: interactive effects of drought, insect pollination and intercropping on faba bean plant traits and yield

Ecological intensification in horticulture: Increasing crop quantity and quality by understanding relationships between functional diversity, ecosystem services and genotype-specific traits

2BeeFit_wild-bee-5098602_1920 (206 x 137)
Health status of solitary wild bees in relation to landscape diversity, farming practices and pollen diet

Logo_BioIntAkt (206 x 124)
Measuring biodiversity with intelligent acoustic sensors

Completed Projects